
DNS - how to add, create, edit and verify BIND DNS SRV resource record (RR) type

ISC BIND DNS SRV resource record type is rarely needed on a open source world, at least not as frequent as A, NS, MX, CNAME PTR and TXT resource record. After creating it in BIND DNS as the sample format below :

Syntax :
_service._protocolName  IN SRV priority weight portNO subdns.domain.com
service = http (80), https (443), pop (110), smtp (25), imap (445), ldap (389), ftp (21), ssh (22), telnet (23), rpc (135) and others
protocolName = tcp or udp
priority = digit, lowers get first priority
weight = digit, higher get used often
portNO = the digit relevant to the service name listed above

e.g. :
_https._tcp          IN SRV         10 10 443 mail.domainname.com.

After adding or creating the record above, use the below method to verify :

- run the command
with no additional parameter

- type
set type=SRV

and press enter after the ">" prompt

- query the record by type
at the next ">" prompt

(the correct response is at below, as created in BIND DNS)
_https._tcp           IN SRV        10 10 443 mail.domainname.com.

Hasta la vista !!!

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