
Apache - [warn] _default_ VirtualHost overlap on port 80, the first has precedence

Virtual Host. A feature that enables Apache to configure multiple domain into one web (http) server. This feature saves the need to run multiple instances of web server and thus saves resources.

After configuring the <VirtualHost> directives, some may encounter an error message :
Error : [warn] _default_ VirtualHost overlap on port 80, the first has precedence

This is due to the missing of a parameter, before any <VirtualHost> directives:

Solution :
add the parameter "NameVirtualHost" with the below suggested values :
NameVirtualHost *:80
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /usr/local/www/apache22/data

The "DocumentRoot" directive is to load the testing page that comes with apache. Unless the server is configure with only 1 domain name, it will be a good idea to load a testing or temporary page so that users are not slap with an browser error page instead.

Nemaste !!!

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