
FreeBSD - HP DL 120 G7 hardware

Recently, I had a chance to test the compatibility of installing FreeBSD on an HP server. This are the specs of the server :

HP DL 120 G7 E3-1240
- 16gb DDR 3 ram
- dual nic port (HP NC112i 1-Port Ethernet Server Adapter (x2))
- Array Card (HP Smart Array P212/256MB Controller (RAID 0/1/1+0/5/5+0))

The NICs, Smart Array & hard disk all work fine.

Except this server came connected with the SATA hdd to the Smart Array. I've always skeptical about RAID cards, especially if the RAID card is faulty, we'll need to get the same RAID card in order for the data to be recognize. That sucks big time.

End up, I bypass the SATA hdd from Smart Array to the on-board connector. Now, ZFS is just ready to rock. :)

Ciao !!!